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yoga aasan, the name of this seat is Ardhachandrasana,,yoga guru bd

           This posture makes the whole body look like a crescent during practice, so it seems that this posture is called a crescent.  Method: Stand straight with your legs together.  Raise both hands over the ears.  This time gently loosen the upper body, including the hands, from the waist to the back as much as possible, and in this position, as far as possible, straighten the upper body from the waist and gently bend the front body from the waist to the front with both hands.  .  Rest in breathing for one minute after practicing this asana 3/4 times.  Benefits- Constipation is eliminated in this sitting habit.  In addition, because the spine is flexible but strong, compulsion cannot easily attack us. Youth is prolonged.  Adrenal glands and kidneys work well.  It is absolutely necessary to practice Padahastasana after Ardhachandrasana 

yoga guru bd,,,,#yoga aasan,Ardhachandrasana yoga,how to yoga,exercise for yoga,mind of yoga,global yoga mind,world yoga,yoga bd,yoga guru bd,Yoga seat,

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